What is AI really capable of? Dispelling Eight Myths about Artificial Intelligence

February 12, 2020

Myths Artificial Intelligence

The world of fairy tales should be a matter of movies and books, but when it comes to artificial intelligence, dubious “AI” companies and ill-informed bloggers become veritable fabulists. The truth is that AI will change the working world, but many statements about artificial intelligence definitely belong in the realm of myths and fairy tales.

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Is Google Misogynistic?

January 14, 2020

Google Search

Is Google misogynistic? The ranking for certain keywords certainly provides grounds for this suspicion. However, the phenomenon of unequal treatment isn’t really the fault of the algorithms but is a fundamental problem with the German language. And those who want to can ensure for themselves that the results list is free from discrimination.

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Really spooky marketing – Thirteen marketing ideas for Halloween

October 15, 2019

Marketing Ideen Halloween

Halloween is ideally suited for gaining publicity with a few ‘spooky’ marketing campaigns. We have put together thirteen ideas for your Halloween marketing activities so that you can get started right away.

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7 Good Reasons to Buy SEO Content

September 17, 2019

buy SEO Content

Content is king, but especially high-quality content. Attention, high rankings and increasing clicks are ensured by good content. Anyone active on the internet as a blogger, or as the operator of a shop or website has to offer their readers added value. For the creation of news, info or glossary texts there are basically two options: either you write it yourself or you have it written. Seven good reason speak for the second alternative.

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Are social signals a relevant Google ranking factor?

September 4, 2019
Social Signals

An increasing number of likes and shares for your own website? This obviously speaks for the success and quality of the content. But how does Google rate positive feedback on Facebook and co.? The importance of likes and shares is the subject of heated debate among search engine optimizers. Are social signals a ranking factor?

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How to generate backlinks and improve your ranking – 13 tips

August 29, 2019

generate backlinks

What are backlinks? Are backlinks still relevant for Google? And if so, how do you get backlinks on your website? We have compiled the most promising methods.

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Text classification – areas of application on the Internet

August 15, 2019

Text classifications

There are billions of websites with countless texts on the Internet. This makes it difficult to keep track of them. Text classification is a method that provides an overall view and structures the offer. Which application areas are there for text classifications in the World Wide Web?

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Top search engine ranking with unique content from the crowd

August 8, 2019

Unique Content Crowd

Every website operator needs content. This can include numerous short product or service descriptions, category texts, glossaries, news, blog articles, etc. This content can either be created quickly and at low cost or existing texts can be revised. It goes without saying that page content must also be easy to find on the Internet and have a high search engine ranking. For this purpose, it must be optimized for search engines such as Google. This means that the content must be unique, topic-related, interesting and packed with relevant keywords in optimal density. Depending on the type of text, a keyword density of 1-4% is ideal here; i.e. a keyword should occur 1-4x in a text of 100 words. If your own company is not large enough to create these search engine optimized texts promptly, you might want to opt for “paid crowdsourcing”.

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Crowdsourcing based on a non-profit concept: Nine inspiring projects

July 10, 2019

Crowdsourcing non profit

Crowdsourcing is only suited for large corporations, to promote the next product launch or to obtain creative ideas at very little cost? These nine successful non-profit projects demonstrate that it can be done differently. And they may inspire you to start your own crowdsourcing project, whether as a profit or non-profit project.

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Realistic training data for machine learning

May 14, 2019

training data for machine learning

Data are the foundation for training algorithms. The more realistic the data, the better the results. This is because artificial intelligence is based on precise and reliable information for training its algorithms. This is obvious but it is often overlooked. The training data are realistic when they reflect the data that the AI system gathers in real operation. Unrealistic data sets prevent machine learning and lead to expensive false interpretations.

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