Writing copy for social media: What does really count?

December 7, 2020

writing copy for social media

Regular social media posts are an essential part of marketing. And since everyone does it, it is difficult to stand out from the crowd. So how do you write articles for Twitter, Facebook, etc. that are not only eye-catching but also have the desired effect? Seven tips for good texts on social media forums.

1. What is the goal of the post?

What do you want to achieve with the post? This is the first question you should ask yourself. Because the purpose is what makes the difference. What is the post about?

  • Do you want to create awareness for a product or a brand?
  • Is it the click to a link?
  • Or do you want to collect likes or comments?

Once you are clear about the goal of the text you have a good basis for creating the post. Content, choice of words and tone are all based on this goal.

2. Keep it short

Twitter’s success is largely due to the limited number of characters per tweet. Today’s internet users are busy. They want short and concise information. Twitter has used this niche to become a global brand.

Users do not read long texts. Short, accurate contributions reach the target group. Which is why it is important to get a message across to the reader in just a few words. Although other social media portals allow longer texts, the limit of 280 characters per post should not be exceeded on Facebook, Instagram, etc. either.

3. The channel defines the choice of words

The topics and how you write about them are decisive for selecting the communication channel. This is because different social media platforms reach different target groups.

  • Facebook is known for its informal language and amusing posts.
  • In contrast, LinkedIn users appreciate serious texts.
  • On Instagram, the emphasis is on the image. The text complements the image.
  • On Twitter, the text is clearly in the foreground: 280 characters for a concise message. That will have to do.

It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it. Every Internet platform has its own rules. It is important to know how to adddress the reader.


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4. Writing the right thing and getting it right

Make a good impression. Apart from capturing the interest of the readers with interesting content, you must also make sure that there are no typos in the text. Poor spelling is unprofessional. And the reader will link this directly to the company. This is bad for your image – and for sales.

Texts with spelling mistakes not only make a poor impression, they also distract the reader from the content. That is why every text must be checked by a spell checker – and at least once by a human being.

5. Old standards work wonders

AIDA – anyone who has taken a crash course an advertising is familiar with this formula. However, the fact that this formula is an “old standard” does not change its effectiveness. The AIDA formula is always a good source of inspiration:

  • A stands for Attention: creating awareness.
  • I stands for Interest: creating interest.
  • D stands for Desire: creating desire.
  • A stands for Action: creating immediate action.

For example:

  • Your online store can achieve more. Would you like to increase the number of clicks – and thereby increase sales? Then just follow these tips.

The time span between attention and action is short. This model mainly relies on a psychological approach. It works because the person addressed hardly thinks at all but is convinced in the simplest and shortest possible way. AIDA is therefore ideal for social media posts in particular.

6. What comes next? The call-to-action

Every post has a specific goal. Therefore, in every post, it must be immediately obvious what the user must do next. In most cases, this is a link – for example to the product page of an online store.

The call-to-action (generally the anchor text) is short, concise and clear. And it ought to arouse the reader’s curiosity.

7. Write it yourself or have it written?

Simply because you can sell well does not mean that you are a gifted copywriter. And you may not necessarily master all the spelling rules. All the more reason to ensure that a text contribution signals quality. You can quickly find a suitable copywriter to formulate a good idea and deliver the message in the right form.


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There is a lot of competition out there. This makes it difficult to arouse attention on Twitter, Facebook, etc. But with a little practice or professional help, your posts can stand out from the crowd – and become an indispensable part of online marketing.



Jan Knupper