Digital Market Research: Simply Getting Marketing Data from the Internet?

April 14, 2020

Digital Market Research

Digital market research promises a whole lot of data, thanks to which we can see inside the “consumer’s head”. But what is there really to digital market research? What are its methods, goals and challenges?

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About survey panels and the sense or nonsense of online surveys

August 9, 2017
survey panel

To some people online surveys are the foundation of every marketing activity. To others, they are totally overrated because they do not deliver any usable results. Therefore, we are today taking a look at the point of online surveys. We are also providing a brief analysis of the pros and cons of online panels for surveys.

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clickworker Survey Service – New Features and Integrated Survey Tool

September 12, 2016

Survey Tool

At the beginning of the year we developed a new self-service “Surveys” offering for you. Since then we have received a lot of positive responses, and are pleased with the high usage rate of the service. We also received some customer requests regarding an even faster, as well as more individual execution of your surveys. We took these to heart and now, together with some ideas of our own, have implemented an advanced version of the “Surveys” service.

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