Amazon SEO: How to Optimize Your Product Listings for Better Rankings
Amazon SEO is an incredibly complex niche that requires a deep understanding of the Amazon marketplace and its processes. This article will provide an overview on how you can optimize your product listings with low costs and quick turnaround times to increase organic rankings when Amazon’s algorithm is expected to change.
Amazon search has outstripped Google when it comes to product search. Customer reviews and other information regarding the article requested are mainly searched for on Amazon. And anyone who wants to sell on the Internet cannot ignore Amazon.
Read moreHow Product Data makes the difference in E-Commerce
What used to be oil is now data. More and better product information provides the basis for commercial success – especially in e-commerce. It’s all about using intelligently prepared data to attract customers to your own website, offer them a unique shopping experience, and ultimately bring them to conversion. Solid, consistent and up-to-date product information is the basis for this.
Read moreThe Use of Artificial Intelligence in Google Search Engine Algorithms
The search engine giant Google has always been focused on understanding and responding to its users’ needs. Over the past few years, we have witnessed countless changes in Google’s algorithm, and it’s always been something important to industries.
However, while most of Google’s algorithms changes weren’t earth-shattering, this current evolution just might be it. The introduction of its latest Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithm called MUM is something we haven’t seen before.
Read moreStemming, Stop Words and SEO
House or houses, the house or just house – how do these small differences affect SEO? Stemming and stop words have been a controversial topic for search engine optimization for years. Is it worth paying attention to these nuances? Or are inflections, prepositions and articles irrelevant for a successful ranking on Google?
Read moreSEO keywords: dead or alive?
Content, search intent, user experience, differentiated user signals, and artificial intelligence (AI) — Google’s ranking criteria are becoming increasingly complex. So where does that leave keywords? Have the keywords in the text outlived their usefulness as ranking factors? The relevance of keywords for search engine optimization has changed. Online copywriters are now facing new challenges.
Read moreThe new Google search: MUM
MUM — these three letters stand for Multitask Unified Model. MUM is the new Google algorithm for capturing search queries. What is it all about? What is changing in Google search? And what impact will MUM have on search engine optimization and online marketing?
Read more5 ways you can improve your SEO by boosting your site’s E-A-T
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a marketing strategy that helps you improve your website’s visibility and rankings on relevant search engine results pages. It’s a very important aspect of marketing that can help you reach your target audience and drive more traffic to your website.
One of the ways you can improve your site’s SEO is by enhancing its E-A-T and, in this article, we will look at how to do that.
Read moreHow search results exactly match the search intention of the user
Have you ever wondered how search engines work? There are literally billions of web pages available online with millions more being created every year. Search engines do not only help you find a particular site, they also help find content and information within that site.
Consider the fact that search results need to work within a website also helping you find the specific “widget” you’re looking for so that you can make your purchase.
Read moreSeven store optimization tips
Store optimization is actually a matter of course. If you want to secure or improve your sales in the face of growing competition in eCommerce, you will have to make regular improvements. But how can you best adjust your shop’s performance? The following are 7 tips for increasing online sales.
Read moreOnline copywriters for high-quality web content
Creating content for the web is complex. But as varied as the content is — online content almost always consists of text. But if you want to stand out from the crowd, why not leave the text creation to professionals? How do online copywriters work and what online texts are especially popular?
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