7 tips on how to obtain insightful feedback from customers

April 14, 2021

obtain feedback

The customer has the final say. That is not only democratic, but also helps every business optimize their own products, service offerings, marketing and internal operational processes. The problem, however, is a familiar one: How do you obtain usable data? Here are seven tips for acquiring informative customer opinions.

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Generating online profit with your own website — this is how it can be done

March 30, 2021

own Website

A popular website is practically a guarantee of economic success these days. If you are looking for a way to earn some money on the World Wide Web, a website is therefore a highly attractive option. However, in practice it is often more difficult than expected to generate the desired traffic and the corresponding revenue. This article will take a closer look at what really matters when it comes to moving up the ladder.

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Seven store optimization tips

March 29, 2021

store optimization

Store optimization is actually a matter of course. If you want to secure or improve your sales in the face of growing competition in eCommerce, you will have to make regular improvements. But how can you best adjust your shop’s performance? The following are 7 tips for increasing online sales.

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Your Own Website as a Freelancer – Why it Makes Sense

March 22, 2021

Freelancer Website

As a general rule, freelancers who have their own website get more jobs. The reason for this is simply that potential employers can get an idea of the services available, without much effort or the need for follow-up questions, and when interested can easily make contact.

Freelancers rely on always being able to find new projects and jobs to survive self-employment. To facilitate this, it’s initially important to be able to be found, demonstrate presence and in some way advertise yourself. Because freelancers today receive many or even most of their assignments via the internet, a website for a freelancer is more than a chance to just present yourself. It is the best business card you can create.

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Online copywriters for high-quality web content

February 3, 2021

Online Copywriter

Creating content for the web is complex. But as varied as the content is — online content almost always consists of text. But if you want to stand out from the crowd, why not leave the text creation to professionals? How do online copywriters work and what online texts are especially popular?

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Content marketing for banks – the best content strategies

January 19, 2021

Content strategies

Today’s bank customers are well informed. They know how important their personal data is for their financial institution. And that also includes finance related activities. As a rule, customers are willing to disclose this data, but in return they expect personalized, simple, and value-enhancing digital services. An intelligent content strategy is therefore a must for any bank that wants to endure in the market and achieve good positions.

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Writing copy for social media: What does really count?

December 7, 2020

writing copy for social media

Regular social media posts are an essential part of marketing. And since everyone does it, it is difficult to stand out from the crowd. So how do you write articles for Twitter, Facebook, etc. that are not only eye-catching but also have the desired effect? Seven tips for good texts on social media forums.

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Which Google ranking factors really count?

June 8, 2020

Google ranking factors

Content, keywords, page speed, backlinks, meta tags and much more – the number of supposed factors for placement on Google is large. But which ranking criteria really count? A new study by Backlinko brings some light into the darkness. After all, the study is based on 11.8 million search queries. It confirms what is already known, but it also offers surprises.

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Digital Market Research: Simply Getting Marketing Data from the Internet?

April 14, 2020

Digital Market Research

Digital market research promises a whole lot of data, thanks to which we can see inside the “consumer’s head”. But what is there really to digital market research? What are its methods, goals and challenges?

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Really spooky marketing – Thirteen marketing ideas for Halloween

October 15, 2019

Marketing Ideen Halloween

Halloween is ideally suited for gaining publicity with a few ‘spooky’ marketing campaigns. We have put together thirteen ideas for your Halloween marketing activities so that you can get started right away.

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