How to Validate Machine Learning Models: A Comprehensive Guide

February 14, 2023

how to validate machine learning models

Model validation is a core component of developing machine learning or artificial intelligence (ML/AI) that assesses the ability of an ML or statistical model to produce predictions with enough accuracy to be used to achieve business objectives.
It involves examining the construction of the model and the application of different tools for data acquisition for their creation to ensure that the model will run effectively.

Model validation is a set of processes and activities designed to ensure that an ML or an AI model performs as it should, including its design objectives and utility for the end user.
This can be done through testing, examining the construction of the model, and examining the tools and data used to create it. It is also part of ML governance, the complete process of controlling access, implementing policies, and tracking model activity.

Table of Contents

Why is model validation important?

Model validation is an important step in developing any machine learning or artificial intelligence system, as it helps ensure that the model performs as intended and can handle unseen data.

Without proper model validation, the confidence in its ability to generalize well on unseen data can never be high. Furthermore, validation helps determine the best model, parameters, and accuracy metric for the given task.

Model validation also helps catch any potential problems before they become big problems. In addition, it allows for comparing different models, allowing us to choose the best one for the task. Furthermore, it helps determine the model’s accuracy when presented with new data.

Finally, model validation is done unbiasedly, often by a third party or independent team, to ensure that the model meets the necessary regulations and standards. This helps assure the users of the model that it is trustworthy and reliable.

Different types of machine learning models and their validation requirements

1. Supervised Learning Models

The primary use of creations made from implementing the Supervised learning models is to predict certain outcomes by analyzing data.

Examples of supervised learning models include linear regression, logistic regression, support vector machines, decision trees and random forests, and artificial neural networks.

Validation requirements for these models vary, depending on the type of model. Linear and logistic regression require the model to be checked for overfitting and underfitting.

Support vector machines require that the data be split into the training and test sets, and then the model is trained on the training set and tested on the test set.

Decision trees and random forests require the data to be split into the training and test sets, and then the model is trained on the training set and tested on the test set.

For artificial neural networks, a validation set must be included in the model and is used to compare the performance of different models.


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More about Datasets for Machine Learning

2. Unsupervised Learning Models

Unsupervised learning models are used to identify patterns in data without guidance from external labels, and some examples include clustering, anomaly detection, neural networks, and self-organizing maps.

Validation requirements for these models vary depending on the task at hand. Clustering models, for example, require measures such as the silhouette coefficient or Davies-Bouldin Index to evaluate their performance.

Anomaly detection models often require precision-recall curves and ROC curves to measure performance. Neural networks can be checked using hold-out validation and k-fold cross-validation. Finally, self-organizing maps require measures such as topographic or quantization errors.

3. Hybrid Models

A hybrid model is a machine learning model that combines multiple approaches to provide the best predictive performance. It is important to validate hybrid models because the combination of models can lead to improved accuracy and performance.

Validation of hybrid models is also important to ensure that the models are reliable and that their results are consistent. When performing validation through this ML model, it is tested against unseen data, and the accuracy and performance of the model are assessed.

Validation is essential for understanding the potential of machine learning and ensuring that the hybrid models are not overfitting or underfitting the data.

Additionally, validation can help identify potential biases and data leakage present in the model and any changes that need to be made to improve the model.

4. Deep Learning Models

Deep learning models are a powerful type of artificial intelligence that can be used for a variety of tasks which includes, but are not limited to:

  • image recognition
  • natural language processing
  • autonomous vehicles

For these models to function properly, they must be validated, primarily because this process helps to ensure that the model can accurately identify objects, classify data, or predict outcomes.

One of the most common deep learning models is the convolutional neural network, which is used for image classification. During validation, the CNN model must be tested against data sets of known objects to ensure that it can accurately identify the correct object.

Another type of deep learning model is the recurrent neural network, which is used for natural language processing. For validation, the RNN must be tested against a corpus of text to ensure that it can accurately parse text and generate accurate results.

Finally, a reinforcement learning model for autonomous vehicles must be tested against a driving simulator to ensure that it can accurately process and respond to the environment.

5. Random Forest Models

A random forest model is an ensemble machine learning technique that combines multiple decision trees to create a more accurate and robust model. It is used in model validation because of its ability to reduce the risk of overfitting, providing a more accurate prediction of the model’s performance.

It randomly selects samples from the training dataset to create multiple decision trees, with each tree producing a prediction. The final prediction is the average of the predictions of all the trees, which provides a more accurate result than any single tree could.

This is especially useful in model validation because it enables the model to generalize better, making it more likely to produce an accurate result when applied to new data.

6. Support Vector Machines

A support vector machine (SVM) is a popular machine learning model used for validation due to its ability to maximize the margin between data points of different classes.

It can find the optimal hyperplane that separates data points from different classes, allowing for precise and reliable classification of data points.

Furthermore, SVM can also be used to identify outliers, detect non-linear relations in data, and for regression and classification problems, making it a versatile and popular model for validation.

7. Neural Network Models

Neural network models are a type of machine learning model that is based on artificial neural networks. They can learn and make decisions independently without relying on predetermined parameters or prior knowledge. Neural network models have certain characteristics and validation requirements so that they are accurate and can effectively analyze data.

First, they require a large amount of training data to make decisions accurately and form connections between the various inputs and outputs. This data should represent the data encountered in production, as any discrepancies between the training and production data can lead to inaccurate results.

Second, the data should be normalized to ensure that all variables are on the same scale, as this can influence the model’s performance.

Additionally, the model should be tested with various parameters and data types to ensure that it can handle a range of inputs and outputs.

Finally, the model should be tested with various metrics to ensure that it performs accurately and with the desired level of accuracy.

These metrics can include accuracy scores, precision, recall, F1 scores, and more. Testing the model with different metrics can determine if the model is performing as expected and if any changes should be made to the model to improve its performance.

8. k-Nearest Neighbors Model

The k-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) model is a supervised learning algorithm used for classification and regression problems. It is a popular machine learning model for validation because it is relatively straightforward to understand and implement.

KNN works by finding the k-nearest neighbors (i.e., the k-closest data points) of an input sample and then classifying the sample based on the majority label of the k-nearest neighbors, allowing this model to make predictions without requiring any prior data training.

Moreover, it has a relatively low complexity compared to other models, making it a good choice for validation.

It is also a non-parametric model, meaning that it is not affected by the number of features or the size of the dataset, making KNN especially suitable for validation, as it can accurately predict the performance of a model on unseen data.

9. Bayesian Models

Bayesian models are probabilistic models that use Bayes’ theorem to quantify the probability of a hypothesis given a set of data. These models require the use of prior information and usually depend on the prior assumptions of the data scientist. Bayesian models are used to infer and approximate unknown variables’ predictive distributions.

Bayesian models can be classified into three main types: Bayesian parameter estimation models, Bayesian network models, and Bayesian non-parametric models.

Bayesian parameter estimation models are used to estimate the parameters of a probabilistic model that are unknown or uncertain. These models are used to infer the posterior distribution of a set of parameters in a probabilistic model given observed data.

Bayesian network models are probabilistic graphical models representing relationships between different variables. These models are used to predict the value of one variable given the values of the other variables in the system.

Bayesian non-parametric models are probabilistic models that do not make assumptions about the underlying distribution of the data, mainly used to estimate the probability of a hypothesis without having to define the parameters of the distribution.

Overall, Bayesian models are useful for modeling complex systems and predicting a system’s behavior given observed data. These models have been used extensively in machine learning and AI applications, as well as in medical research and other fields.

10. Clustering Models

Clustering models require validation to ensure that the resulting clusters produced are meaningful and that the model is reliable.

When working with this technique, there are a couple of requirements that must be met, including:

  • assessing the quality of the clusters produced
  • comparing the clusters produced by different algorithms
  • assessing the stability of the clusters over multiple runs
  • testing the scalability of the clustering model
  • Examine the clustering model results to ensure that it is meaningful, reliable, and reflect the underlying data.

How to validate machine learning models

Step 1: Load the required libraries and modules

To validate a machine learning model, there is a list of different modules and libraries required, which include:

  • Pandas
  • Numpy
  • Matplotlib
  • Sklearn
  • train_test_split
  • mean_squared_error
  • sqrt, model_selection
  • LogisticRegression
  • KFold, LeaveOneOut
  • LeavePOut
  • ShuffleSplit
  • StratifiedKFold

In addition, fundamental knowledge of Apache Beam and an understanding of the workings of machine learning models are necessary. Finally, a Google Colab notebook and a Github account are required to run the Python code.

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How ro Validate Machine Learning Models by Machine Learning Plus (06m:17s)

Step 2: Read the data and perform basic data checks

  1. Load the required libraries and modules.
  2. Read the data and perform basic data checks. This includes checking the data types, checking for null or missing values, and understanding the distributions of each feature.
  3. Create arrays for the features and the response variable. This ensures that the data is in the correct format for the model.
  4. Perform model validation techniques. This includes splitting the data into training and test sets, using different validation techniques such as cross-validation and k-fold cross-validation, and comparing the model results with similar models.
Cross Validation In Machine Learning | Cross Validation | Machine Learning Tutorial | Simplilearn

Cross Validation In Machine Learning by Simplilearn (25m:58s)

Step 3: Create arrays for the features and the response variable

  1. Load the required libraries and modules.
  2. Read the data and perform basic data checks.
  3. Create a variable to store the data in a form the model can use.
  4. Create arrays for the features and the response variable. First, identify the columns or features you want to use as part of the model. Then use the ‘drop’ method to create an array of the features. As an example: x1 = dat.drop(‘diabetes’, axis=1).values. Finally, create an array for the response variable using the column name. As an example: y1 = dat[’diabetes’].values.
  5. Use the arrays to train and test the model.

Step 4: Try out various validation techniques

In addition to the standard train and test split and k-fold cross-validation models, several other techniques can be used to validate machine learning models. These include:

Leave One Out Cross-Validation (LOOCV): This technique involves using one data point as the test set and all other points as the training set. This is repeated for every point in the dataset.

Stratified K-Fold Cross-Validation: This technique splits the data into folds of equal size, where each fold represents different strata of the data. This ensures that each fold accurately reflects the distribution of the data.

Repeated Random Test-Train Splits: This technique splits the data multiple times into train and test sets while randomly shuffling the data each time. This helps to reduce bias and get a more accurate measure of the generalization performance.

Profit/Loss Charts: A Profit/Loss chart shows the cost associated with a model for a given set of inputs and predictions. This can help identify any bias or errors in the model and help determine an appropriate cost.

Classification Matrices: A Classification Matrix helps to visualize the accuracy of a model through a matrix of true positives, true negatives, false positives, and false negatives. This can help to identify any bias in the data or model.

Scatter Plots: Scatter plots help to visualize the relationship between the input and output of a model. This can help to identify any errors or biases in the model.

Step 5: Set up and run TFMA using Keras

  1. Import the TensorFlow Model Analysis library into your Google Colab notebook.
  2. Create an instance of tfma.EvalConfig with settings for model information and metrics.
  3. Create a tfma.EvalSharedModel that points to the Keras model.
  4. Set up an output path for the evaluation results.
  5. Run TFMA using the tfma.run_model_analysis function.
  6. View the evaluation results using tfma.view.render_slicing_metrics or tfma.view.render_time_series.

Step 6: Visualize the metrics and plots

Visualizations can help validate machine learning models by showing how the model performs in various scenarios. This includes looking at different input features and combinations of those features and seeing how the model output changes.

By comparing the model output to a similar model, historical back-testing, and version control, data scientists can identify areas where the model needs improvement or incorrect output.

Visualizations can also be used to compare model performance across different periods, geographical areas, and groups of users. This helps to identify cause-and-effect relationships between the model’s output and the input features and can help identify areas where the model needs further refinement.

Step 7: Track your model’s performance over time

Tracking model performance over time can help validate machine learning models by providing a way to measure model accuracy and performance accurately.

This allows for comparing different models to identify the best model for a specific task. Additionally, tracking performance over time can provide insight into the model’s progress concerning its initial performance.

This can help identify any changes to the model that may affect the accuracy or performance of the model and help ensure that the model is functioning as it should.

Benefits of implementing proper ML model validation

Machine learning models and their validation require a great amount of work and resources to be implemented. Regardless, many organizations and companies still opt to use them due to the benefits of having a validation process set in place.

This is because, when such processes are implemented across the pipeline, they can ensure that the machine learning systems produce high-quality output and manage them.

In addition, this is an organized set of processes that guarantee machine safety and compliance. Not only that, but implementing proper validation also allows transparency to assure stakeholders.

One of the most noteworthy advantages of having such a process in place across the entirety of the pipeline is that it assures businesses that their systems are producing a great number of values.

Many organizations have dedicated data science departments set up which overlook the systems. Implementing an efficient validation policy will help them keep the machine learning tests in check to ensure that the model passes so that it can remain in the production stage.

Not only that, but the results from this process also put the external audiences and stakeholders involved in the business at ease, knowing that machines are computing all of these values to give accurate results.

FAQs on How to Validate Machine Learning Models

What is machine learning model validation?

Machine learning model validation is the process of assessing the performance of a trained ML or statistical model to produce reliable predictions and outputs for achieving business objectives. It is done on a separate dataset from the one used for training the model, and different approaches such as train/validate/test split, k-fold cross validation, and time-based splits can be used. The performance of the model is evaluated using metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, mean absolute error (MAE), and root mean square error (RMSE). Model validation should be done throughout the data science lifecycle and is essential to ensure that the model can generalize well on unseen data, select the best model, set the parameters and accuracy metrics correctly, and adjust to new circumstances.

What are the different techniques used to validate machine learning models?

The different techniques used to validate machine learning models include a train and test split, cross-validation, k-fold cross-validation, leave-one-out cross-validation, bootstrapping, Monte Carlo cross-validation, holdout validation, and shuffle split. A train and test split is the most basic type of validation technique in which the data is split into two groups: training data and testing data. Cross-validation is a model validation technique for assessing how the results of a statistical analysis will generalize to an independent data set. K-fold Cross-validation is a model validation technique which splits the data into k groups or folds, of approximately equal size. Leave-one-out cross-validation is a model validation technique used to test the accuracy of a predictive model. Bootstrapping is a model validation technique that allows us to measure the accuracy of a predictive model by re-sampling the data set. Monte Carlo cross-validation is a model validation technique used to measure the accuracy of a model by splitting the data into training and test sets a number of times. Holdout validation is a model validation technique that splits the data set into two sets: a training set and a test set. Shuffle split is a model validation technique in which the data is split into a number of folds, and then randomly shuffling each fold to create a training and a test set.

How does cross-validation work?

Cross-validation is a technique used to evaluate and test the performance of a machine learning model. The algorithm of cross-validation can be broken down into the following steps:

  1. Split the dataset into two parts: one for training and one for testing.
  2. Train the model on the training set.
  3. Validate the model on the test set.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 a couple of times. The number of times depends on the cross-validation technique being used.
  5. The scores from the different cross-validation techniques are used to measure the efficacy of the model.
  6. The results are averaged to obtain an overall performance score.
  7. The model with the best performance score is selected.
Cross-validation can be done using various techniques such as hold-out, K-folds, Leave-one-out, Leave-p-out, Stratified K-folds, Repeated K-folds, Nested K-folds, and Time series CV. For time-series data, the most commonly used approaches are Rolling cross-validation and Blocked cross-validation.

What is the purpose of validation?

The purpose of model validation is to ensure that a trained model is performing the way it was intended and that it is solving the problem it was designed to solve. Model validation is carried out to find an optimal model with the best performance and to quantify the performance that could be expected from a given machine learning model on unseen data. Model validation is an integral part of model risk management, designed to ensure the model doesn't create more problems than it solves and conforms to governance requirements. It includes testing the model and examining the construction of the model, the tools used to create it and the data it used, to ensure that the model will run effectively.

How do you measure the performance of a machine learning model?

Step 1: Measure the performance of your model by using relevant metrics that assess the model. For regression models, use Adjusted R-squared to measure the performance of the model against that of a benchmark. For classification, use the AUC (Area Under the Curve) of a ROC curve (Receiver Operating Characteristics).
Step 2: Validate the model by monitoring its Bias error, Variance error, Model Fit, and Model Dimensions. Use Cross Validation to check for bias.
Step 3: Evaluate the model using historical data (offline) or live data. If using historical data, use a Jupyter notebook and either the AWS SDK for Python (Boto) or the high-level Python library provided by SageMaker. If using live data, use SageMaker’s A/B testing for models in production and deploy production variants.
Step 4: Compare the results using the relevant metrics and determine whether the model’s performance and accuracy enable you to achieve your business goals.

What is overfitting and how can it be avoided in machine learning models?

Overfitting is a problem that arises in Machine Learning models when the model is trained too well and learns the details and noise in the training data set instead of the true underlying patterns. This causes the model to be unable to generalize to unseen data and will not be able to accurately predict. To avoid overfitting, one should use Cross-Validation and create an additional holdout set. This holdout set should be 10% of the original dataset and is used to validate the model's performance. Additionally, it is important to compare the distributions of the train and test sets to ensure that they do not differ drastically.

How do you determine if a machine learning model is valid?

Step 1: Choose the right validation technique: The right validation technique should be chosen depending on the type of model that was developed and the data that was used. Be sure to consider the size and complexity of the dataset, as well as the type of data that was used, such as group or time-indexed data.
Step 2: Test the model: Once you have chosen the right validation technique, it is time to start testing the model. This involves running the model on a subset of data and comparing the results to the expected outcomes. This helps to determine how accurate the model is and how well it is predicting the results.
Step 3: Assess the results: Once the model has been tested, assess the results to determine how accurate the model is and to identify any potential issues that need to be addressed. This is done by looking at the mean absolute error, root mean square error, percentage of correctly classified samples, and other metrics that can provide an indication of model accuracy.
Step 4: Adjust the model: If the results of the model testing are not as expected, adjustments may need to be made to improve the model performance. This can involve adjusting the parameters of the model, or adding more data to the training set.
Step 5: Re-test the model: After any adjustments have been made to the model, it will need to be re-tested in order to determine if the model is now predicting the results correctly. This should be repeated until the model is accurately predicting the results and is deemed valid.


Robert Koch