Data Crowdsourcing – How to Crowdsource Data Successfully

November 17, 2022

Data Crowdsourcing

Crowdsourcing is an increasingly popular method for collecting data. By leveraging the power of the crowd, businesses and organizations can gather large amounts of data quickly and cheaply.

But not all crowdsourcing projects are successful. In order to create a successful crowdsourcing project, you need to carefully consider your goals, target audience, and platform.

This how to crowdsource data guide is designed to help you successfully implement crowdsourcing projects for data collection.

Table of Contents

    What Is Data Crowdsourcing?

    Data crowdsourcing is the process of obtaining data from a large number of sources in order to generate insights. An example of data crowdsourcing is the use of online questionnaires to collect feedback from customers. Data crowdsourcing can be used to improve customer service, understand customer needs, and make better business decisions.

    Crowdsourcing has big benefits for big data processing, including the ability to save resources, exploit the human element, and generate accurate and actionable insights. The distributed nature of crowdsourcing ensures that big data is processed at an unexpected speed. Organizations can use crowdsourcing to build applications based on real-time analytics.

    How does data crowdsourcing work?

    Data crowdsourcing platforms typically allow users to sign up and complete simple tasks in exchange for compensation. These tasks might involve answering questions, providing feedback, or rating products. The data collected is then used by the company or organization running the platform to improve their understanding of a specific topic or issue.

    What are the benefits of crowdsourcing?

    The rapid growth in the popularity of crowdsourcing is due to its numerous advantages.

    1. Remarkable solutions to challenging problems
      An enterprise can access hundreds or even thousands of unique approaches to problem solving by including a larger group of individuals, from all walks of lives with different experiences and perspectives in problem solving.

    2. Accelerated tasks
      Companies can obtain excellent ideas in a lot less time by engaging a larger group of people to participate in the process. This could be crucial to the success of time-sensitive undertakings like urgent software fixes or medical research.
      Microtasking proves to be advantageous here. It is a form of crowdsourcing in which little groups are given specific tasks. Microtaskers can either be one person or a group of people who share the workload. Writing a blog post or conducting research are examples of jobs that are frequently carried out in small, sequential chunks, or microtasks.

    3. Greater accuracy of data
      Crowdsourcing data can provide greater accuracy because it is based on a large number of inputted data points. This allows for knowledge to be spread more widely and makes mistakes easier to identify.

    What are the benefits of using data crowdsourcing?

    1. Provides accurate and timely data
      Data crowdsourcing can provide accurate and timely data for businesses. The data is flexible and can be modified to fit the business’s needs. The business can pay-per-use for the data or receive real-time alerts when traffic is congested.
    2. Greater speed
      Data crowdsourcing can help speed up the process of finding the right data by allowing a large number of people to quickly and cheaply contribute data. This ensures that data tasks are completed quickly and with high quality standards.
    3. Allows for diverse input
      Data crowdsourcing can benefit your business by providing access to large amounts of data from diverse sources quickly and cheaply. A high-quality dataset is important for the success of an AI model, and data can be collected easily and cheaply through crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing enables businesses to access a large number of skilled data collectors from around the world.
    4. Greater accuracy
      Data crowdsourcing can help with accuracy and other advantages. It can be more reliable than traditional methods when the dataset is large, and it can help reduce the number of pairwise comparisons required to rank. This reduces annotation burden, making data more accurate and easier to use.
    5. Allows for feedback and improvement
      Data crowdsourcing can help with improving content, getting feedback, and more. By being transparent and honest with data crowdsourcing participants, you can ensure a successful project.
    6. Tip:

      Do you want to generate data quickly and reliably via a survey? Then ask the crowd from clickworker to participate in your survey.

      Find survey participants
    7. Allows for faster decision-making
      Crowdsourcing data can help with faster decision-making by providing a flexible and real-time way to collect data. This can be used to identify mistakes more easily and in a time-sensitive manner. For example, traffic alerts can be sent out in real-time based on pre-selected thresholds or historical trends.
    8. Allows for cost-effective solutions
      Data crowdsourcing can be used to get new ideas for cost-effective solutions. It is a cheaper and more accessible way to get solutions to complex problems than traditional methods. Crowdsourcing is not limited to highly technical and complex problems – it can also be used for research and development (R&D). Data crowdsourcing can be used to improve productivity and creativity in a company.
    9. Allows for quicker product development
      Data crowdsourcing can help with quicker product development by allowing for faster feedback and better understanding of user needs. By crowdsourcing data, businesses can receive feedback and input from a large number of users in a short amount of time. This can be used to improve products and make them more user-friendly. Additionally, data crowdsourcing can be used to understand customer sentiment and track product performance.
    10. Allows for better understanding
      Data crowdsourcing can help with better understanding by gathering data from a large number of sources. This can be used to improve customer service, product development, and more. For example, data crowdsourcing can be used to gather data about customer sentiment or trends.
    11. Allows for better customer service
      Data crowdsourcing can help with better customer service by gathering feedback from customers about their experiences. Data crowdsourcing can also help identify patterns and trends in customer service interactions, which can help improve the quality of customer service.
    12. Allows for better understanding of customer needs
      Data crowdsourcing can help with understanding customer needs and can be used to improve customer service. It can also help identify trends and patterns in customer data which can help businesses improve their services and products.
    13. Allows for improved product quality
      Data crowdsourcing can improve product quality by identifying duplicate products, business location data and other product information. It can also be used to identify problems with products early on, before they cause major issues. For example, if a company is considering adding a new feature to its product, it can use data crowdsourcing to gauge customer reaction and get feedback on whether the feature is actually useful.

    How to crowdsource data – Best practices for successful data crowdsourcing

    Crowdsourcing can be one of the best ways to generate a large amount of diverse data. However, there are a few points to be kept in mind while executing this process.


    One of the most challenging tasks while working on a machine learning project is frequently gathering significant amounts of high-quality data that satisfy all requirements for a specific learning objective. You can collect suitable data via clickworker’s crowd.

    More about Datasets for Machine Learning

    1. Establish clear goals

    When planning a data crowdsourcing project, it is important to have clear goals in mind. These goals will help determine the target audience and platform for the project. Once these factors are considered, the project can be successfully implemented.

    2. Choose your target participants

    To successfully crowdsource data, you must first determine the type of data to be collected and the participants who will be collecting it. The platform you use should be easy to use and allow participants to easily share their data. The compensation method for participants should be fair and incentive-based.

    3. Decide on the type of data you need

    To crowdsource data successfully, first determine what type of data needs to be collected and who will be collecting it. Then, create a platform for registering participants, sharing data, and managing the crowd. Once the platform is set-up, provide instructions for gathering the data and create a compensation system. After that, choose a data labelling team that uses appropriate tools for the task at hand. Finally, you need to evaluate a data labelling platform before you commit to it by looking at client logos, testimonials, and case studies to get a good idea of the quality of the service. Make sure to understand the security protocols and measures in place to prevent data theft and leaks.

    4. Encourage participation from a diverse range of participants

    To successfully crowdsource data, it is important to be sensitive to the diversity of participants and encourage them to contribute their voices. For example, encouraging participation from a diverse range of people by being aware of their language and cultural preferences when writing projects or communicating with them directly will make sure all messages are easily understood by all participants, regardless of their language proficiency or cultural background.

    5. Reward participants for their contributions

    Rewards can play an important role in motivating participants to contribute quality work, even when working remotely. Rewards can be given to participants for their contributions in a variety of ways, depending on the project. Rewards can help motivate participants to produce high-quality work, even when working remotely. Rewards should be aligned with the project’s values and participant motivations in order to respect and reward participants.

    6. Disclose any financial compensation that participants may receive

    When conducting data crowdsourcing, it is important to disclose any financial compensation that participants may receive. This allows them to feel comfortable participating in the process and ensures that the data is collected ethically.

    7. Take care to protect participants’ data

    To protect participants’ data and avoid common mistakes, follow these tips:

    • Keep your data safe. Use secure methods to store your data, such as encrypting it with a strong password. Make sure to keep updated backups of your data in case of accidents or malicious attacks.
    • Make sure your dataset is properly licensed. If you are using public or open datasets, make sure that the license agreement allows others to use the data without limitations.
    • Be clear about who can access the dataset and what rights they have. Clearly label any datasets that you make available so that others know how to use them safely and legally.
    • Follow standard privacy policies and practices when sharing your data with other researchers or users. Make sure that all users understand the terms of use before using them, and take appropriate measures to protect their privacy if required by law or regulations

    8. Monitor and track participant participation

    To ensure the quality of data crowdsourced from participants, a variety of quality control methods must be in place.

    9.Terminate participation when goals have been reached

    When goals have been reached, it is important to terminate participation for ethical reasons. This preserves the standard use of data and maintains a humanized and acknowledging view of black people whose collective organizational histories are assembled here.

    Data quality in data crowdsourcing

    Data quality is the accuracy and completeness of data, as well as preventing errors from occurring. Reducing accuracy can be introduced when participants transliterate obvious abbreviations, while reduced completeness can arise when data is missing or incorrect. To overcome these issues, crowdsourcing can be used to enlist the help of a large number of individuals. This approach is advantageous because it allows projects to overcome errors caused by participant error.

    Quality control methods

    Crowdsourcing is a method of obtaining input from a large group of people. Quality control methods, such as proofreading and validation, are essential in order to ensure that the data collected through crowdsourcing is accurate and meets customer expectations. By harnessing the power of a large group of people, crowdsourcing can be extremely effective in gathering data. However, like any form of collaboration, there are certain risks associated with using this method. One such risk is bias; because crowdsourced data is typically gathered by individuals who have an interest in the subject matter at hand, it can be susceptible to bias.

    Additionally, due to the way this type of data is typically collected (i.e., through individual submissions), it often suffers from the founder effect: because contributions are often made by those who initiated or own the project itself (the founder effect), projects that begin as popular or well-known tend to have more contributions than projects that start off relatively unknown or less popular.

    Finally, due to its open-ended nature, crowdsourcing can also be prone to errors caused by hypercorrection – normalizing words that look misspelled in the original submission – as well as reviewer fatigue: when reviewers see submissions from many different users all at once rather than one after another over time, it can be harder for them to spot mistakes that “look” correct. Despite these risks, crowdsourcing can be an extremely effective way to gather data if used in conjunction with quality control methods.

    Processing and accessing results

    Data quality is an important consideration when processing and accessing results from data sets. Improving data quality can reduce costs associated with inaccurate or outdated information, as well as prevent disasters from happening in the first place.It is important to use results from crowdsourced data sets to improve data quality.

    FAQs on Data Crowdsourcing

    Who uses data crowdsourcing?

    Data crowdsourcing is often done by research institutions. However, it can also be a cost-effective way for companies to develop new ideas and innovations or to obtain data for training AI systems quickly and in large quantities.

    What are some things to consider when choosing a data crowdsourcing platform?

    When choosing a data crowdsourcing platform, quality should be prioritized over price. Experienced platforms such as Clickworker have a well-established quality control process and recruitment process. Additionally, the rate offered should not compromise on quality.

    Why to use data crowdsourcing?

    There are many reasons why companies or organizations might choose to use data crowd sourcing over more traditional methods of research. One key benefit is that it allows for quick and easy collection of large amounts of data from a wide variety of people. This can be helpful when trying to understand customer behavior or trends in a particular market segment. Additionally, it can be a cost-effective way to gather data, as there is no need to pay for professional market research services.

    How can I ensure that my data crowdsourcing project is unbiased?

    To avoid bias in crowdsourcing projects, it is important to take into account sampling bias and communication among potential participants. Sampling bias can occur when researchers exclude certain individuals from participating in a crowdsourcing project, while communication among potential participants can lead to performance differences on a crowd-sourced assessment. Participants may have encountered a similar experimental manipulation or measure before participating in a crowdsourcing project, which can weaken the peer review process. When submitting crowdsourced research, it is important to make sure reviewers and readers are familiar with the method so that they can properly evaluate data collection. Finally, it is important to regularly evaluate data collection to make sure it is unbiased.

    How can I ensure that my data crowdsourcing project is of high quality?

    Ensuring high-quality crowdsourced data requires careful planning and design, as well as regular testing and iteration. Here are some tips to help you achieve success:

    • Plan carefully before you begin your project. Make sure to consider the intended use of the data and choose quality standards that will be acceptable to your target audience.
    • Test the project regularly, especially during early stages when data is most variable. This will help you identify and fix problems early on, before they become too big to fix.
    • Use multiple single-key entry approaches if necessary to produce multiple independently created versions of data. This will make it easier for users to find what they're looking for and reduce the chances of conflict or confusion.
    • Make sure all changes made to your project are approved by a committee before they are implemented (this helps keep quality control measures in place).


    Ridhi Sharma