Front-End Testing Handbook: Definition, Types, Resources, Checklists, and More

October 19, 2022


Are you looking for a comprehensive guide to front-end testing? This guide has everything you need to get started, from cross-browser compatibility testing to unit testing and performance testing. Plus, it includes information on Selenium and Katalon, two powerful tools for front-end testing.

Table of Contents

What is Front-End Testing?

Front-end testing is a process of testing the graphical interface of web applications to ensure that they are free of defects. This type of testing is important because it helps to ensure that users have a positive experience when using the application and that they are able to navigate through it easily. GUI tests can check things like alignment, navigation, and page load speed.

Front-end testing of websites ensures that Internet pages function. There are several sources of errors that can have a negative impact on the appearance and functionality of websites.

How Front-End and Back-End Testing Are Different

Back-end testing is used to validate the business logic and database layers of a web application. Back-end testing is typically done in the early stages of development.
Back-end testing focuses on verifying the business logic and database layers of a web application, which users cannot see. It is used to test the server-side of an application.
Back-end testing includes checking for schema, CRUD operations, ACID properties, business rule compliance, security and performance.

Why is Back-End Testing important?

Because it allows developers to catch errors and bugs early on in the development process. By catching these errors early, developers can save time and money by avoiding having to fix them later down the line.

Example of Back-End Testing

Back-end testing is performed to validate the application’s user interface. Development teams perform back-end tests in early stages. Back-end testing is designed for elements that end users cannot see (such as the business logic and database layers).

Back-end testing involves testing the server-side of an application. Back-end testing can check the database for various elements, including schema, CRUD operations, ACID properties, business rule conformance, security and performance.

The Difference between Front-End and Back-End Testing

Front-End Testing verifies the user-facing interface of a software application. It requires knowledge about requirements related to user experience, but not about the database and the back-end mechanics. Back-End Testing checks the efficacy of the functionality on the server and database side of the software


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Front-End Testing Types

In the digital landscape where first impressions are pivotal, front-end testing emerges as a critical phase in software development. This chapter delves into the myriad types of front-end testing, each designed to meticulously evaluate and enhance the user’s interaction with the application. From functionality and usability tests to compatibility and performance assessments, we will explore how each type contributes to creating a seamless user experience.

Unit Testing

Unit testing is the process of testing a unit of code (a section, function, or piece of data) by running it as if it were part of the whole program. This allows developers to verify that the code works as expected and identify any potential issues early on.

Integration Testing

Integration testing is a quick and easy way to test the interaction between different parts of your application. Integration testing can be set up relatively cheaply. By integration testing different parts of your application, you can ensure that they work together as expected and identify any potential issues early on. This can save you time and money in the long run, as fixing issues later on in the development process can be more costly.

System Testing

System tests check how an application behaves under various conditions, such as when users are logged in or when the system is under stress. This type of testing helps to ensure that an application will work correctly under real-world conditions.

Acceptance Testing

Acceptance testing is a process of testing software to ensure that it meets the user’s requirements. This type of testing is typically done by the development team, rather than by independent testers. Acceptance testing can be used to confirm that user inputs, user flows, and any designated actions on the front-end are coded and functioning properly. Development teams use acceptance testing to make sure the final model of the application works as it is expected to by end users.

Visual Regression Testing

Visual regression testing is a type of front-end testing that compares screenshots of the interface to see if they match the expected version. This test focuses on the interface of the application.

Accessibility Testing

Accessibility testing is a process used to ensure that an application can be used by everyone, regardless of their ability or disability. This type of testing is important for making sure that all users can access and use the features and functionality of an application.
There are many different ways to test for accessibility, but some common methods include using screen readers or other assistive technologies, testing with users who have different disabilities, and checking for compliance with accessibility standards.

Performance Testing

Performance testing is a process of assessing the speed, stability, and scalability of a software application. It is important because it helps to ensure that the product maintains its desired quality when the user load is increased. Performance testing can be used to analyze many aspects of the application, such as speed, stability, scalability and responsiveness.

End-to-End Testing

End-to-end testing is a type of testing that checks the flow of an application from start to finish. It ensures that all system elements work as expected and that communication between them is smooth. End-to-end testing is important because it can catch errors and problems that may not be apparent during unit or integration testing. By mimicking real world scenarios, end-to-end testing can give you a more accurate picture of how your application will perform in a live environment.

Cross-Browser Compatibility Testing

Cross-browser compatibility testing is a process of confirming that an application works as expected in different web browsers. Cross-browser testing is automated to reduce the time and effort required. Cross-browser compatibility testing is important because it helps ensure that users will have a positive experience using your application no matter which browser they are using.

Further Information on Front-End Testing Tools

Rainforest QA

Rainforest QA is a cloud-based testing platform that helps teams automate the process of finding and fixing bugs in their software. Testing with Rainforest QA is free for the first five hours each month, making it a great option for teams on a budget. To get started, simply sign up for an account and create a new test.


Selenium is a tool that can be used for testing websites. It can be used to test in various browsers and platforms, including Windows, Mac, and Linux. Selenium can also be used to develop tests in various languages, including Java and PHP.


Katalon Studio is a record-and-playback test automation platform that is built on top of Selenium and Appium. Katalon has an easy-to-use interface that helps testers without programming background to create tests with a drag-and-drop manual editor. Katalon offers helpful tools such as built-in keywords and project templates to help create test cases faster.

Front-End Testing Challenges and How to Deal With Them

Are You Using Automation for the First Time?

  1. Automation can be a time-consuming and difficult process for new teams.
  2. Implementing automation early in the project can help speed up testing and minimise problems.
  3. Make sure your team is well-trained in automation frameworks and test case writing.
  4. Make sure all setup issues are resolved before the development team begins work.

Emulating the Real World

When conducting front-end tests, avoid using emulators and simulators. Instead, use real browsers and devices. This will help ensure that your tests are error-free and reliable.

Agile and Regression

Agile testing is a methodology that helps developers and testers work together more effectively to deliver quality software. It helps reduce the risk of regression bugs by allowing developers to make changes quickly and easily, and then testing those changes to ensure they improve the app’s functionality. Testing tools are essential for ensuring quality software, and they can help find regression bugs before deployment.

Is It Front-End or Back-End?

Front-end testing is important because it verifies the user-facing interface of a software application. By testing the front-end, you can ensure that users will have a positive experience when using your software. Additionally, front-end testing can catch errors that may not be apparent on the back-end.

How to Create a Front-End Testing Plan

Step 1: Decide the Budget

The budget for front-end testing will vary depending on the size and complexity of the project. For small projects, a few hundred dollars may be sufficient. For larger projects, the budget may be in the thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars.

There are many different tools available for front-end testing, and the cost of these tools can vary widely. Some tools are free, while others can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars. It’s important to decide which tools you need and how much you’re willing to spend on them before starting your front-end testing project.

Step 2: Decide the Tools

There are many tools available for front-end testing, so it is important to decide on a budget before beginning testing. Having a list of specific tools for different tasks will speed up the process.

Step 3: Set a Timeline

Before starting testing, it is important to set a timeline to ensure that all aspects of the front-end are covered. The following steps can help you create a front-end testing plan:

  1. Decide what needs to be tested. Make a list of all the features and functionality that need to be tested.
  2. Determine how long each test will take. Estimate the amount of time needed for each test, including setup time, execution time, and cleanup time.
  3. Create a schedule. Based on the information gathered in steps 1 and 2, create a schedule for testing. Be sure to allow adequate time for each test and leave some buffer time in case something unexpected comes up.
  4. Stick to the plan. Once the plan is created, do your best to stick to it. If changes need to be made, make them in consultation with stakeholders so everyone is on the same page

Step 4: Decide the Scope of a Project

The amount of testing required and the level of user feedback desired.

front-end testing plan


Before our code is put into production, we should test the front-end as part of our development process. We should create integration tests to ensure that all the modules and components function properly with one another in addition to writing unit tests that test every capability in our apps. However, we should create end-to-end tests (E2E) that automate manual click testing and focus on how consumers would engage with our application.

Instead of only improving metrics, we should build tests that offer confidence. We should refrain from creating tests that are tightly tied to the system, according to Robert C. Martin. Because even the smallest change can cause numerous tests to fail.

FAQs on Front-End Testing

Why is front-end testing important?

Front-end testing is important because it allows you to test the functionality of your website before it goes live. This type of testing can help identify any potential issues that could impact the user experience, such as broken links or pages that load slowly. By testing the front-end of your site, you can ensure that your users have a positive experience when they visit your site.

What is meant by front-end testing?

Front-end testing is the process of testing a website or web application's user interface to ensure it meets the required standards. This type of testing can be performed manually or using automated tools.

What are the main types of front-end-testing?

There are several main types of front-end testing, which include unit testing, functional testing, and regression testing. Unit tests focus on small pieces of code to ensure that they are working as intended. Functional testing checks that the various elements of the front-end are working together as intended. Regression testing is used to check for bugs after changes have been made to the codebase.

What are common steps in front-end testing?

Common steps in front-end testing are as follows:

  1. load the page in the web browser
  2. check that all expected elements are present
  3. check that all links work
  4. check that the page layout is as expected
  5. check for broken images
  6. test the forms to ensure they are working correctly


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