Good unique content for SEO is crucial for the success or failure of an online shop.
On the one hand it is categorized as relevant by search engines like Google and Co. Pages that are classified as relevant based on search input are displayed by search engines at the very top of their results lists. This leads to additional visitor traffic via the search engines. The more pages with good unique content that you offer on your website, the better. Because every individual page of your online shop is located in the index of the search engines, and increases the possibility for more visitors and with that potential customers.
On the other hand, good unique content keeps visitors on your website, helps influence purchasing decisions, and provides a reason for return. Good uniqe content informs, inspires and entertains all at the same time. So the trick therefore is to create a lot of good unique content that is equally relevant and interesting for visitors to your website, as well as for search engines. At his juncture ideas for applicable content are needed, which fulfill all the requirements. The following suggestions can be easily implemented in your shop:
Content in the Form of Description of a Product
With the product description each and every article in the shop can be described and put on offer. The more products that are available in the shop, the more good content can be created. A good product description answers all the customers’ questions about the product, delivers the sought after information and offers buying decision support. Customers who feel they have been poorly informed will not purchase. With good product descriptions every shop operator can show off his professional expertise, and thus win the customer’s trust and differentiate himself from the competition.
It is especially important for the assessment of the pages’ content by search engines, that the products are absolutely not described with only a few bullet points. To avoid double content, the manufacturer’s product texts should also not be used word for word.
Manufacturer’s Information / Company Profiles
It is also often important for customers to know where their desired product was manufactured and under what conditions. If you provide this information about the manufacturer too, you are also reaching the shopper for whom this information is an important part of the buying decision, and you are supplying additional content as well.
Category Texts
Category texts are informational content about the offerings and product range in the shop. As far as the web page structure, these take precedence over the product description. With the help of category texts you can introduce the contents of the individual categories to the website visitors. As opposed to the product descriptions, which need to be adapted or rewritten with every product change, with category texts you have good, long-lasting content for the website. In addition the category texts are an excellent opportunity to link and emphasize relevant words from the shop’s top products, which also benefits search engine optimization.
With content in the form of interesting ideas and tips, internet users are drawn to your page who originally had no purchase intention, but come to your website solely based on the offered tips and ideas. If you include your own products in the content, let it be know that they could for example be used to implement the ideas and tips provided. This often leads to additional conversion. So for example, for a shop that provides toys and party products, content could be created with ideas for putting on a child’s birthday party. Materials needed for this project and are available in the shop’s assortment, can be offered right along within the content too.
Blog Articles / Blog Post Writing
A blog is a type of web diary. Blog articles should be written with a target group in mind. Possible content could be information about new products and their possible uses, company or industry news, or even case studies, and tips and tricks. A blog becomes especially personal, rich in variety, and therefore more entertaining for the reader when it is written by various people in and around the company. Blog articles whose archive is divided into categories with relevant keywords also pushes the ranking with search engines.
How-To Texts / Purchasing Advice / Tips from Experts
With the integration of advice and tips into your own website, visitors are supplied with valuable help and support within the subject area of the products offered. Internet users are drawn to online shops by how-to content, even those who originally had no intention to purchase, but visited the website because of the advice provided. How-to content demonstrates the shop’s professional skill, creates trust, and leads to additional conversion. With well-designed advice texts, competitive advantages in professional journals can also be offset. Especially when texts are written by experts in their field, they are very interesting and credible to visitors. If new advice and expert tips are frequently posted online, this also offers visitors a reason to regularly visit your shop.
Glossary Creation & Lexicons
Glossaries and lexicons provide explanations of terms that correspond with the respective offerings of the shop. A glossary conveys technical knowledge all about your products to web searchers and represents a true value added service for them. The provided information can help support the buying decision and improve the shop. Because the described terms usually correspond to keywords important for the shop, the glossary constitutes ideal content for search engine optimization.
With an FAQ list the shop operator offers visitors the opportunity to receive fast and uncomplicated answers to questions that come up. Here the most often asked questions and their answers are presented. This saves the customer from having to contact customer service, and besides the opportunity to provide the customer with important information, it also creates good content for search engine optimization. To make it easier for visitors and search engines, the questions should be divided into distinct categories, preferably with a small guidance menu and side navigation.
Forum for Customer Questions, Answers and Discussions
Besides the FAQ, new incoming customer questions can also be used as content for the shop. This is of course very economical good content because it is delivered already completed, and just needs to be posted online anonymously with the respective competent answer. Likewise it can be made even easier by allowing visitors to post their own questions on a moderated forum. In addition to existing visitors, in this way additional traffic is received through internet users who have the same question and so found their way to the shop via search engines.
As with all content that should lead to search engine optimization, it is important not to copy any existing content, but to create it anew or have it created. Plagiarism is recognized by search engines and leads to devaluation of the respective website in the search engine rankings.