Calculate Your Corporate Carbon Footprint – Reduce GHG Emissions and Go Net Zero
Carbon emissions from businesses are a major contributor to climate change. Fortunately, more and more companies are recognizing the need to take action on climate change and are setting ambitious goals to reduce their corporate carbon footprint. If your company is looking to calculate its carbon footprint and develop a plan to go net zero regarding greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, here’s what you need to know:
Read moreSentiment Analysis – What is it for?
Sentiment analysis – What do people think of us?
Do people like our company, our products, our campaigns, our service, or do they dislike us? This is a question that is crucial for marketing, because who is going to become a customer of a company they don’t like? Sentiment analysis was created to answer the question of favor or disfavor. Here, we’ve compiled for you what exactly it is, how it works, and how you and your company can benefit from it.
The new API Explorer
For the past eight years we have provided our customers with a service option that enables them to integrate our services via an API into their IT infrastructure and company workflows. Our customers can use the API for example to place new orders, or submit order data and get the results directly back into their system. This service is popular and is being increasingly used. We have now further optimized the API for our customers.
Define Your Own Crowd with the Building of Teams
In our marketplace you can build any number of Clickworker teams for yourself, which can then either be chosen or excluded during the job creation process.
Usage of Expert Teams
Logically a team of Clickworkers can be put together whose previous work you have been especially pleased with. This allows you to direct the work upcoming jobs specifically to the Clickworkers on your expert team. In this way you can better guide the results and help align them with your expectations.
Usage of Blocklists
On the other hand a team of Clickworkers can be assembled that you wish to exclude from future tasks, and thereby define as a blocklist. This is especially useful when you personally weren’t as pleased with the results, for example their text style, produced by these Clickworkers. But it also makes sense to create a blocklist of Clickworkers for subsequent jobs like online surveys, to prevent the same workers from taking part in the survey again.
In the following, we explain step by step to you how the building of teams works.
clickworker Survey Service – New Features and Integrated Survey Tool
At the beginning of the year we developed a new self-service “Surveys” offering for you. Since then we have received a lot of positive responses, and are pleased with the high usage rate of the service. We also received some customer requests regarding an even faster, as well as more individual execution of your surveys. We took these to heart and now, together with some ideas of our own, have implemented an advanced version of the “Surveys” service.
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