Evergreen Content – Short Conceptual Explanation

Evergreen content includes content that remains relevant and interesting over a long period of time, without the need for updates or changes. Its purpose is to increase engagement and traffic, which is why this type of content is often found on nearly every website. It is usually found in conjunction with timely content that has to be updated on a regular basis.

What is evergreen content?

Evergreen content remains fresh for readers days, months, and even years after its publication. It is named “evergreen” after evergreen trees that retain their lush, green appearance all year long. So, too, does this kind of content remain relevant to readers throughout time.

All online content is sustainable. Once it has been published on the Internet, it will remain there indefinitely. What makes evergreen content different than other kinds of content is the fact that once it was published, it will not need to be edited or changed. A publisher or marketer can post it on the web and forget about it, and the content will continue to drive traffic to the website.

Evergreen Content

Examples of evergreen content

Many topics are interesting and relevant to users. In addition, there are many topics that are relevant to all businesses, enabling them to utilize these topics to their advantage when creating evergreen content. A few examples include:

  • Food
  • Love and relationships
  • Money and budgeting
  • Parenting
  • Losing weight
  • Pets
  • And much more
Evergreen Content

There are formats that are perfect for content that never gets old. These formats are also popular with users. They include:

Evergreen content includes written content, but other kinds of content as well. Music is an example of audio that is considered evergreen. A how-to video showing users how to do something, like frost a cake or hang blinds, would also be evergreen.

What it isn’t

Content that loses its relevance and requires regular updates wouldn’t be considered evergreen content. News articles are a common example of content that isn’t evergreen. Additional examples of content that isn’t evergreen include:

  • Statistics and data reports
  • Holiday and seasonal content
  • Content that focuses on current trends and pop culture
  • Some products, services, and pricings

Any article that won’t be relevant or interesting to readers within the next six months up to a year would be considered timely content. In order for the content to remain relevant, it would need to be updated.

Both evergreen content and timely content can be used simultaneously on a website. However, it is important to review, edit, and remove timely content that no longer drives traffic to the website, especially if it is negatively impacting SEO.

The benefits of evergreen content

One big benefit of utilizing evergreen content is the fact that it requires no maintenance. Once the content is created and posted, there’s no additional work that needs to be done. It will continue to pull in traffic with no additional work needed.

In addition, it builds authority, showing users the publisher is an expert in their field. The more extensive the evergreen resources on a website, the more likely it will become the go-to place to find that kind of information.

It is also relatively easy to modify for other platforms. For example, a recipe can become the foundation for a video that can be posted on YouTube.

Another huge benefit of creating this kind of content relates to SEO.

Email Marketing

How it can boost SEO

There are many ways evergreen content can boost SEO. They include:

  • The use of keywords throughout the content can boost rankings, thereby increasing exposure on search engines.
  • A Google algorithm rewards sites that contain high quality, relevant content, boosting rankings even more.
  • It can enhance site traffic over time, unlike timely content that spikes dramatically and peters out quickly.
  • This kind of content is more easily shared with confidence, which means it’s more likely to get passed around on social media.

With the proper keyword research, evergreen content can be relevant on the Internet far into the future. However, it also offers the opportunity to utilize and track the performance of many different keywords and phrases. Traffic can be tracked for one keyword, then tracked again after the keywords in the article are modified. Also, additional content can be created on the same topic, utilizing different keywords to further boost SEO over time.