The best tips for data enhancement and data validation for your online business

August 16, 2017


Internet business needs data in the same way a baker needs flour. Companies working successfully on the Internet appreciate well-structured and comprehensive customer data. These include contact data as well as information about hobbies, preferences, profession, purchase behavior, etc. Detailed and correct product data are also essential to online shops.

Whether customer or product data, the following always applies: The more, the better. However, people want to keep their data private. Product data are not always as available as they ought to be. This post will show you how you can nevertheless obtain usable data sets.

In Part A, we are looking at the data enhancement and data validation of customers and prospective customers information. In Part B, we focus on the product data. In Part C, we briefly explain how to proceed with further types of data.

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Address validation online – getting the right address for next to nothing

July 11, 2017

Address validation

Forwarding returns, two catalogues sent to the same address or undeliverable circulars – these can all be avoided with address validation. There are numerous providers who can check your addresses online. However, their services are often quite expensive. Let us explain how you can easily acquire the right address for next to nothing. You simply need time.

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Online Competitor Analysis – Why and How

June 7, 2017

Competitor Analysis

By performing a competitor research analysis you protect yourself against unpleasant surprises even before you establish your company. And if you already run a business it is helpful to keep an eye on the competition. In short, competitor analysis is one of the cornerstones of a successful business venture, especially on the World Wide Web. And for that reason we’d like to share with you today what competitor analysis is, what its purpose is, and which opportunities the internet offers.

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Sentiment Analysis – What is it for?

March 14, 2017

Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis – What do people think of us?

Do people like our company, our products, our campaigns, our service, or do they dislike us? This is a question that is crucial for marketing, because who is going to become a customer of a company they don’t like? Sentiment analysis was created to answer the question of favor or disfavor. Here, we’ve compiled for you what exactly it is, how it works, and how you and your company can benefit from it.

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Customer Insight Management – Meaning, Challenges and Opportunities

March 8, 2017 clickworker blog 1 Comment

Customer Insight

Customer information is of great value for any company. Using it they can determine strategies for the future, acquire their customers directly with individually tailored products, targeted offers as well as communication methods and lead them to conversion. However the knowhow, time and resources required to gather and evaluate this information are often lacking. For that reason there are people who have specialized in just this sort of task – obtaining and assessing customer information – the so-called customer insight manager.
In this blog post we take a closer look at the challenges and opportunities of customer insight management.

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Landing Page: Build Cleverly and Avoid Mistakes

January 24, 2017

landing page

Landing pages are one of the most important instruments of online marketing campaigns. The nice thing about them is: they can be created easily. For this you just need one of the many homepage builders or a good graphic program. But one look at different landing pages will demonstrate that the same mistakes are made over and over again. Find out now what those are, how to do it better and what is truly important when it comes to landing pages.

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Professional company profiles

November 23, 2016

company profile

A company profile presents a business to the public and among other things helps attract new customers. Especially for unknown companies and brands it is a good opportunity to increase their reach and awareness about them.

How is a company profile created?

A profile is similar to a curriculum vitae or résumé. It introduces a person and characterizes them. A profile should make clear what kind of person is hidden behind it and what defines them. That also includes a person’s characteristics and important stations of their life. A company profile should be similarly arranged: it should provide an overview, list milestones, elaborate on important characteristics, and mention a few points that distinguish the company from others in the field. So beforehand an exact analysis is of great importance. All facts have to be compiled and noted. Of interest, for example, are the year of establishment, significant company activities, cooperation with other firms, or collaboration with well-known customers. The strategy a company pursues should also be mentioned. Possible area of specialization, any out of the ordinary equipment, and special nominations or awards should also be incorporated into the text. So that a potential customer can make reach out as easily as possible, a company representative and their contact information should always be listed. If there is more than one location, these of course should also be mentioned.

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Penguin 4.0: What the Google update accomplishes

November 16, 2016

Penguin 4.0

When webpage operators hear the term “Penguin” they do not associate it with the cute, black-tailed creatures of the Antarctic. They link it to a Google update that has driven one or two webmasters to desperation by making their perfectly search engine optimized webpage suddenly disappear from the Google ranking. The webmasters had to put a lot of effort into winning back the former rank. But what exactly does Penguin do? And which changes does the version Penguin 4.0 bring? What we can reveal is that Penguin 4.0 will make it simpler to undo penalties by Google.

What is Penguin?

Penguin is the name of an update that combines various changes of the Google ranking algorithms. Penguin’s goal is to suppress so-called web spam in the search results. “Web spam” is a term used to describe webpages that use unauthorized methods to achieve a better ranking in Google. Webpages with a better ranking are supposed to provide the searcher with enhanced value. This is not the case with web spam. These pages are written for search engines and their goal is to produce a large number of clicks.
The first Penguin update was released in 2012. Its effect was immediately perceptible. Many top ranking pages suddenly disappeared from the ranking. In English speaking countries, 3.1 percent of all search queries were affected. In Germany three percent of the search queries were impacted, and in Poland as many as five percent.

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Typical Mistakes in Content Marketing

September 26, 2016

Content Marketing

Content Marketing is becoming more and more popular with businesses and organizations. They want to convince customers about the quality of their services with valuable content and exciting information. But to be successful with content marketing you should absolutely avoid certain common mistakes.

In the modern media world content marketing represents a popular strategy to enter into a productive communication process with customers. With selective information and valuable know-how on websites, blogs and social media, companies attempt to excite users indirectly about their services, to convey a positive image about their business or brand by delivering professional knowledge, and so bind customers to themselves long-term. More and more often they use content marketing to increase their name recognition and achieve more “traffic” (number of visitors to their website) and a better search engine ranking. However to ensure that the content marketing actually generates the desired effect and favorably boosts the conversion rate, it is imperative to avoid some commonly made mistakes.

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Headlines and Headings for Online Articles

August 15, 2016

Headlines for SEO Online Articles

Actually it’s just a couple of words, but they can certainly be a defining factor: it’s all about the heading of a text. Besides the colorful images, it’s the first thing to catch the eye and often determines whether the user reads the text or not. And yet it should be distinguished here between texts in a daily newspaper, for example, and articles on the internet. A person who buys a newspaper will most probably also read the sports and culture sections, even when local news and politics are more his sphere of interest. It will be read because it was paid for. On the internet texts are available at no charge and in great abundance, so the user may have a hard time deciding what to read. Based on experience, an internet article is only given a rough scan by the reader where he notices the headlines first, and based on those decides if he will read on or not.

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